
Are you or is someone you know under a curse?

Do bad things keep happening to you?

Are you repeating the same destructive habits or patterns over and over?

Did these patterns exist in the lives of other family members?

You may be a really good Christian and yet thinking that you are under a curse.  Many people do think that.

Many Christians, as well as unbelievers, seem to really think that the devil has more power to harm, than God has to free and heal.

Many people seem to think that they are stuck and doomed to live with the generational curses.

Others spend countless hours reading and studying and searching for the hidden root of the curse, to no avail.  (Jesus said, You search here and there but won’t come to me in faith John 5:40.  You want to be “ok” because of your works, or your “goodness”,  or with your efforts to fix things.)

Freedom will never come this way.

But, I have a some good news to share.  And if you are open to it, it will change your life.

First of all let me say that YES there are “curses” that are passed down from generation to generation.  Let’s read Exodus 20:5.   “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.”

That is real, but now that only stays activated when we refuse to make a quality decision to change the way we think, in other words, refuse to repent for not believing God’s Word of FREEDOM and VICTORY from our past and present circumstances.

When we believe circumstances and the “devil-lies” more than truth, then we have no confidence to believe God (I John 3:21 If our heart does not condemn us we have confidence before God.) When we are believing lies,  our heart is automatically condemning us, though it may be at an unconscious level.

Let me lay a foundation here.

  1. Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one, and He DID IT.  The works of the evil one HAVE BEEN TOTALLY DESTROYED (1 John 3:8).  The only power the devil has to enforce the “curse”, the family patterns, is the power we give to him by believing the lies instead of believing the Word of God.  [It is critical that we CHANGE OUR MIND about what we believe.]

2.   Believing TRUTH is the only thing that sets us free (John 8:32).   Therefore it stands to reason that we should make it a top priority to know THE TRUTH about every issue of life.

I remember when I first started walking with the Lord.  My life had been a huge mess. I had major emotional issues.  But, I also believed God’s Word contained the answers I needed.  I didn’t have a promise book, didn’t even know about promise books, but I had a bible concordance.  So I got a notebook and made a list of the different emotional problems I had and then took the concordance and began to search out what God said.  Fear and panic were particular issues of mine.  I had never heard of panic attacks back in 1980, but I surely had them.  Here is the truth though – the word of God brought total freedom and healing to me…to my emotions and my body.

There are many verses on fear.  I wrote them down and I carried one or two with me because I wanted to live in peace.  Over time, the light of the scriptures drove out the darkness of fear and the panic attacks stopped. I was no longer under the “curse” of fear.  Studying about fear didn’t bring freedom!  Taking  truth into my thinking, my heart and my practice, brought freedom.

3.   See, the devil is a liar and the father of lies, all he has is lies.  As long  as we continue to live in agreement with what he whispers, the longer we stay under the  “curse.”

4.   Jesus took away the devil’s power to control us and keep us in bondage.  Jesus actually became the curse in order to dismantle it so that the blessings can flow into our life  (Galatians 3:13-14). Jesus hung on a tree when He was crucified.  Verse 13 says that everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed.  Jesus went through this so that the blessings of Abraham could come to us, too.  Believe me Abraham was highly blessed.

Let me show you some more powerful truth:

In Jeremiah 17:5-8  we are shown some very critical information about curses and blessings.

Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord. 6 For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, And shall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited. 7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. 8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.”

When anyone puts their trust in themselves or in another human being they automatically come under a curse. Plain and simple.  You don’t have to believe me, but your life will prove it to be true.

Jesus said in John 3:17 that he didn’t come to condemn the world (or curse the world) but to bring salvation, which equals freedom, health, victory, peace, prosperity etc.

In verse 18 Jesus clearly says that those who do not believe are already condemned, or cursed.

When anyone of us trust in our own goodness, or our ability, or intelligence or whatever, and do not acknowledge God or learn His ways they fall “under condemnation or the curse”.

We have to move beyond our “victim mentality”.  WE can change the course of our life and find lasting freedom from all manner of “curses” provided we are willing to make the quality choice and commit to walk it out day by day.

If we make a mis-step, be quick to take responsibility before God, be cleansed by His blood (1 John 1:9) and get back on track.

These curses and patterns do not have to have dominion over you. You have dominion over them.

We have an incredible power within us to choose. Deuteronomy 30:19 says God has set before us life and death and we should choose life that we can live!

Be Free.  Then help others make the right choice.


Back to the Basics

Sometimes we have to go back to basics, or  “back to the very beginning” (as Julie Andrews sang in The Sound of Music), and do a quick review of how we are actually “getting along” in living this life of faith, and in the effectiveness of our prayer life.

For several weeks I have personally been in that “mode”, as I have spent much time meditating and reflecting upon the “prayer-conversation” of Jesus and the Father as recorded in John 17, and other passages.

I would like to share some insights that have formed over the last few days. I am only sharing what I have personally had revealed to me and what I am purposing to walk out as I am surrendered to and empowered by the Spirit of God.

Crazy as it may seem to many, I am motivated by extreme desire to be effective in prayer and victorious in my mind and emotions.  I strongly desire to not be a believer whose joy and victory is dependent upon circumstances.  I strongly desire that my circumstances always bow to the TRUTH of God’s Word and that no matter what I will genuinely rejoice in God and in truth – regardless.

(It is my understanding that the early Christian martyrs, who were tortured or burned at the stake did so not with complaint or accusations against God but with praise on their lips.  To me, that is the “gold standard”.)

Here are a few simple keys I want to pass on today.




#1  We must always look with spirit eyes into the unseen realm, in order to maintain the kind of victory that is based upon truth, not upon circumstances.  We must always keep our eyes upon God who CANNOT lie and who KNOWS HOW to work out the details of our journey in this life.

Of course this can be a major challenge to our mind…especially when we are certain we have ‘heard from God’…. as to what His will for us is.

#2  We must expend effort and invest time into increasing our deep trust in His word.  His Word must be the SOLID ROCK inside us, when the storms hit.  Our trust must never be in people.

It may sound easy enough to embrace this, but be assured it isn’t  because we are all basically “people pleasers” or “people reactors” at our core.

(We must know and personally believe that Jesus was not moved by external “evidence”, but by eternal evidence.  He was not moved by opinions of man. He needed no human attention, acceptance, approval, or applause. See John 5:41, 44 and John 2:25)

#3 The biggest battle we all must win is the battle in our mind.  So we must face it head on,  in order to win.

I will now share something very simple that can help anyone make progress in this arena.

Begin immediately to make the changes you want.


Start here.   The scriptures declares that:

1. “NO weapon formed against you shall prosper….” Isaiah 54:17 (It would be good to read the entire verse)

2.  “You are more than a conqueror…(through Christ)  ” Romans 8:37

3.   “You have the mind of Christ…” 1 Corinthians 2:16

What was revealed to me was that most of our mind battles consist of facing one or all three of the following:

Fear   –  of the FUTURE:    of the unknown, failure, or exposure of our real self

Regret —  from the PAST:  of mistakes, or wrong choices

Emptiness – in the PRESENT:  no sense of a reason to exist, purpose, love, or joy


The battle(s) can be won by first honestly “owning up” to what is bothering you.  Then realize that it is possible to exchange truth for the lies that are going round and round inside your mind.

In fact the cross of Jesus is all about the place where the “great exchange” took place -He gave His life, His emotions, His mind for mine, if I will but take what is offered.(Positive thinking and positive confessions can never match the power of the life giving word of God)

Take one scripture, all or add additional ones to the ones above.  Use  the scripture as your sword against the lies that come against your mind until the “skirmish” is completely over!


Be aware that there will be new battles, but you will always win the same way….by starting off with “It is written…..”

Do it out loud. (You do not have to feel like it.)   The word is living and active and it works if you will work it.

Darkness in thoughts and distress in emotions will go.  Peace and joy will come.

And please remember, it does not glorify God to live in regret or fear or emptiness.  Jesus came to give us abundant life.





Insight & Inspiration – #11

God intensely desires to heal and restore His creation.  All of creation is groaning for this to be.  One day there will be a restoration of all things (Acts 3:21) And it is in that day that the Kingdom becomes completely visible.

Currently, restoration happens first on the inside of individuals, and then on the outside. And then as people cooperate with God restoration can be released into realms beyond – like family, business and governmental realms etc.  Restoration can be seen and known.

As AMBASSADORS of the Kingdom we can and should be ready to minister freedom and the hope of restoration, whenever and wherever we find opportunity and quickening.

We proclaim in prayer and in personal encounters:

1. FREEDOM FROM DEMONIC POWER, CONTROL AND INFLUENCE: Study Ephesians 2:2; Colossians 2:15; 1 John 3:18)  Demonic influence and manipulation is the force behind ALL lawlessness.

2. FREEDOM FROM SIN’S POWER AND CONSEQUENCES                  These consequence are death, punishment, and eternal separation from God.(See: Romans 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:4-9; Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:7-9)

3. FREEDOM FROM CONDEMNATION, GUILT AND SHAME:             Study: Romans 8:1; John 3:17-18; John 8:11)

Since Jesus is the Word made flesh, the Word comes to heal and deliver. Look at Ps 107:20  He sent forth His Word and healed them, and delivered them from all their destructions

It is not our word or words that bring the healing and deliverance, rather His word.  We must stick with His words.

In Exodus 15:26 these words are recorded:  I am the Lord that heals thee.  Since, God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18) and since He never changes (Hebrews 13:8) we can rest assured that when His word meets faith it WILL accomplish what He said it would.

As we encourage others to receive and implant the word in the heart, we can assure them that they will they receive healing and freedom, and will progressively become more whole.

We must always stress the necessity of renewing the mind and heart, so that transformation can come.


Insights & Inspiration – #9

Deliverance is initiated by God, not us. It is NOT our responsibility to run around trying to get everyone delivered.  It is our responsibility to discern what God wants to do and when. Not everyone has reached the point of willingness, readiness, or faith.  That is what is needed by every person.  God is always ready, but people are not. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit not the needs.  He did what the Father told Him or showed Him. See John 5:19 And He was always looking for faith, not problems.

Here is an important passage from Psalm 107:10-14

“There were those who dwelt in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in misery and chains; because they had rebelled against the words of God, and spurned the counsel of the Most High.  Therefore,He humbled their hearts with labor; they stumbled and there was none to help.

Then they cried out tot he Lord in their trouble; He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke the bands apart.”

Describe the scene:

1. Discuss why the people were in those conditions:

2. Discuss what God did, or allowed and why:

3. Describe the results:

This passage demonstrates how God uses circumstance to bring people to the point of deliverance.  Remember there has to be deliverance before restoration. And there has to be a strong cry of faith to touch God for help.

No other scenario will provide the atmosphere to release the delivering, healing and restorative power of God into an individual or family.



I call this mini-lesson “training for the trenches”.

There is a truth that must be embraced  from the onset  of “training for the trenches”. Your personal life and relationship with the Lord MUST be carefully guarded, maintained and become progressively more consistent in your daily affairs.  The transformation of your inner man into the full stature of Christ must be your top priority, not ministry.

Remember two things up front:  Jesus’ disciples returned to Him with exuberance because they had experienced first hand that demons were under their authority.  Jesus, told them NOT TO REJOICE in that, but rather to rejoice knowing that their names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20)  Putting ministry before your personal growth and relationship with God will always prove disastrous.

The second thing pertaining to this issue is to remember that Paul also recognized the potential  for “missing it” when he stated “I run to win…I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached (or ministered) to others, I myself will not be DISQUALIFIED”. (1 Cor. 9:27).

Take nothing for granted in your relationship with the Lord.

It is a characteristic of human nature to want to appear bigger, better, more important, more influential, more significant than we are in the natural.  (The reality is that in God’s plan we are MUCH more significant than we can imagine.)  NOT KNOWING how significant we really are,  is one reason that many people unconsciously try to find their identity in what they “do”, the role(s) they play in life, more than discovering who they really are, from God’s point of view.

One thing for sure, though, God has a way of removing or changing our roles in life.  Eventually we will have to face the fact that WE ARE NOT what we do, or what we have.

In general, many people are also very prone to hide behind the various roles, or masks, in order to prevent others from seeing personal pain, brokenness, insecurity, and other unresolved issues.  Fear of rejection and ridicule are strong motivations for this kind of behavior.

Certainly, not everyone can be trusted with our deepest struggles, but we must be in touch with our own issues and wrestle through with the Word and Spirit to a place of freedom,healing, and wholeness. Honesty, not denial, is what we want for  others and it is what God wants in us.

Here is an assignment: Write a paragraph without any use of reference material, no bible, no internet, no book, to describe to yourself and for yourself who you truly believe God created you to be be.  You are unique.  What does that actually look like.

[If you struggle with this, you can ask yourself questions like:

1.Why did God create me as a unique individual?

2.What seed of purpose and destiny did He plant within me?

3.What am I like when no one is watching me?]

After you have done the assignment, test it against revealed truth in the Bible.

You can always provide a comment to let me know what you learned.



The insights and and principles that will be given in these “mini-lessons” are just that, principles, not formulas.

The “no-formula” approach is based upon God’s great desire for you to hear His voice, know His ways, and discern by the Holy Spirit what is going on and what He wants to do for each specific individual.

Incidentally, the more that our knowledge of God’s will, as revealed in scriptures increases, the easier it will be to discern heart issues.

As an example, if someone has not experienced new life in Christ, we do not have to wonder if salvation is the will of God. Scripture is very clear that God wants all to be saved. And the Word also tells us that “Today is the day of salvation”, so we do not have to think that God wants to wait. Now, the individual may refuse the offer of salvation at this time, and we should never force it. But, God’s will is for TODAY.

The Set the Captives Free: System of Principles, is not elaborate, complicated or costly.

It is easy to master the principles as we grow in our:

-Knowledge of the Word, in heart and habit
-Knowledge of His Ways
-Truly believe and walk in the authority, anointing and assignment that He has given
-Develop personal gifts, and give up imitating someone else
-Let His motivation and compassion for people in distress become our own

When, I quit my job in 1980 to obey the prompting of the Lord to start ministry to the “least of these”, I heard an instruction from the gospel of Matthew that has been my guide throughout all my years of ministry. This was, and is, the message to me from Matthew 10:7-8 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

Certainly finances were needed daily, and still are, but my challenge from God was to trust Him, obey Him and not charge ANYONE for ministry. (Can you picture this…. Jesus interacting with a blind man, or a demon oppressed man, and informing them of the cost for the ministry or “services”.) It is ludicrous, to even think of our Savior doing that, yet that happens with regularity.

The way I see it is this, if you are a licensed medical doctor or counselor and you are NOT entirely doing the work as ministry from the Lord or unto the Lord, but as your livelihood, then it is an occupation and it is okay to charge and make a living.

I am not saying that as a RULE that you cannot or should not have a fee for ministering to others. I have just shared my experience and my personal conviction, to “freely give” out of the gifts He has given me.

Now, there have been countless times that the one ministered to has given financially out of a heart of gratitude, not compulsion. And, of course I accepted with thanksgiving.

I encourage you to pray over what I have shared. I can tell you that God has never failed me in this area or any other area. My needs have always been met.



I believe that preparing to help others and actually helping others become free and healed helps us more than we can imagine. So get ready, get ready.

Let’s begin by doing a quick self-check.  (When I conduct a training workshop, very early into the training, I provide an Initial Self-Check Inventory Sheet to assist in identification of personal  “heart-issues”.)

I am adapting it for this blog.  It will be beneficial to you to answer honestly. Following the completion of it, I strongly suggest that you go to the Lord in prayer, especially on the basis of 1 John 1:9 and Romans 12:1-2.

I. Is there a circumstance in your life that you believe is blocking you, or holding   back, from experiencing frequent joy, peace, and/or fulfillment in life, work, family, relationships, ministry etc.?

Specifically name it_____________________________________________________

Describe how it impacts you_____________________________________________

II.   Is there a person (presently in your life or from the past) who you believe may be holding you back?

Name this person_____________________________________________________

Describe what they do or did do that is holding you back______________________________________________


III.  What is in your mind and/or your emotions that may be holding you back?

(Be honest)  ________________________________________________________________________________

Remember to talk to the Lord and let Him talk to you about these things.  Apply 1 John 1:9 and Romans 12:1-2. And remember that our perception and reaction to events and people are under our control.  We have power to choose to not be limited or hindered. The truth will set YOU free.



The historical accounts of healing and deliverance as contained in the gospels and in the book of Acts, serve as our “playbook”.  Read and pray and notate revelation the Holy Spirit gives.  He is your teacher and guide.  Again, the value of your first hand experience with the Spirit’s instruction cannot be overly stressed.

It is so important to take heed to an account described in Acts 19. There were some Jewish “exorcists” and some other guys, seven of them,  who were the sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest.  They thought that all they had to do was “say the words” that they had heard the Apostle Paul and others say, in order to cast out demons.  They were absolutely mistaken, and were badly beaten up and defeated. They only knew ABOUT Jesus, they didn’t actually know Him.

Also, it is very important to ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart to see if lurking in there are some fears and/or unresolved issues that might serve as “feeding ground” for demonic attack. I can tell you that demons, like vultures, feed on flesh and raw emotions that have not been healed.  These include, fear, jealousy, bitterness and more. Please be honest with yourself. It will not be beneficial to anyone or to yourself to not address heart issues.

In the next blog, I will assist you in your heart evaluation.



I believe at this time we are all being given the opportunity to be “re-aligned” to the purposes of God, and to be stretched beyond our familiar habits.

It was never the intent of God that we become Christian ‘couch potatoes’, or rather, I mean “pew-sitters”, simply struggling in the flesh to attain the “good life” or the American Dream.  Instead we called to be participating in fulfilling God’s Dream.

Jesus said that we are to be salt and light. Really that means so much more than just being nice people. Yes, it is great to daily walk in love and mercy, doing charitable deeds etc., but we must also be willing to walk in the SUPERNATURAL POWER OF GOD.

Paul said  “I don’t come to you with just words, but in demonstration of the power of God.”  That motivation is not to be just reserved for corporate times of assembly or other “planned” events, but in our ordinary lives when we are aware of the destroyer’s work.

Let me suggest some scriptures and just a few more thoughts for your reflection and meditation as we are getting ready to  begin the mini-lessons. (Most of the lessons will be posted on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.)

  • Acts 10:38 …God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

Everywhere Jesus went, after He was revealed in His appointed time/season, He carried with Him:

1. The Anointing (supernatural power of God) to heal and deliver

2. The Authority of God (needed to carry out Heaven’s assignment)

3. The Atmosphere of Heaven (manifesting Presence, Power and Peace)

Nothing was “random” about His ministry or the timing. Nothing was left to happenstance. He was on assignment. And He only did what the Father showed Him, John 5:19.

We are called to walk the same way He walked.  This reality should become our WAKE-UP CALL!

Think, pray and meditate on the following verses:

1. 1 JOHN 2:6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He    walked.

2. 1 John 4:17b  as He is, so are we in this world.

3. Eph. 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God……

4. John 14:12 …the works that I do (you) will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father.

If you will spend time in prayer over these verses you will receive revelation and a hunger to walk in this way.

Remember He has given us anointing, authority, and assignments.  God is not trying to figure out where to use us.  He is waiting on us to discover what we already have, and to use what He has given, wherever He sends us.



cropped-img_0001.jpg       October 2, 2015

On July 17, 2015 as I drove to our ministry headquarters in Richland, Mississippi, the Spirit of the Lord showed me a picture in my mind of a banner facing the street that said “EndTimes” and on the second line it said “Monthly Warrior Bootcamp.”

I told a friend what the Lord had showed me.  I really thought this was something I was supposed to begin doing almost immediately. (That is simply how I normally respond when I hear or see something from the Lord). But, as I began to pray, I became aware that I was to spend the next few months in preparation and then start the training in 2016.

Now, as yet I hadn’t heard that there was a movie named “War Room”.  But, believe me that is where I have spent much of my time over the last 35 years – warring in the prayer closet. 

Why? Because our battles are really not with people or even with our circumstances,  because people and circumstances are just visible manifestations of the invisible conflict that continues between the kingdom of darkness with the Kingdom of Light.

The bible tells us: we  are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12 NLT)

Once we fully believe and embrace the truth of Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, we can pretty well live in victory and peace regardless  of what is or is not going on.

See, it simply isn’t enough to “believe” these verses, we must USE the powerful supernatural weapons God has given to us. We use spiritual weapons to conquer spiritual enemies – for ourselves and for others.

Again, it is written: “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. And after you have become fully obedient, we will punish everyone who remains disobedient” (2 Corinthians 10:5 – 10:6 NLT)

My heart’s desire is that EVERY believer will become skilled in using the weapons of warfare and walk in God given authority, always advancing the Kingdom of truth….remembering that the truth of God’s word frees and liberates, it does not put anyone in bondage, especially not in religious bondage.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12 NLT)Pick it up. Believe it. Use it. Declare it.  “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”  

JESUS WON IT!  We enforce it.
