The Old Nature Cannot be Healed

Within every believer there are two natures. An old nature and a new nature.  The new nature has the potential to grow to full Christ-likeness.  The old nature, if allowed to rule, has the potential to almost completely choke out the God-life potential.

The old creation is full of:

◽️pride (self) and may also be full of the following








◽️evil intents


The old nature never ceases to war with the new, always attempting to reclaim it’s ruling position over the life.  It continues to desire enthronement upon the  seat of power – the human will.  

The RULER PRIDE congratulates itself when the individual performs well, and compares itself to others with great satisfaction.   On the flip side when the individual’s performance “falls short” the RULER PRIDE berates, tears down, relentlessly accuses and torments for as long as possible.

The new creation, the one noted specifically in 2 Corinthians 5:17, is the Christ-nature.  The perfect nature.  The pride free nature.  Selfish free nature.

The Christ nature has NO:






◽️mean words



◽️toxic anger (hurtful)



The Christ-nature was planted inside you when you believed and received Jesus as your Lord.  It was planted just as a seed is planted in the ground.  Over time, if nurtured, watched over, watered and fed it will grow and produce a full crop of Christ likeness.  The seed (nature of Christ) is intended to produce when cared for, cultivated, guarded.  Remember the verse Luke 2:52 Jesus GREW in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.

The Christ-nature is implanted in seed form, literally housing the genetic program or blueprint of the Christ-nature.  (1 Peter 1:23)

Note several very significant passages concerning being born again:

Read John 3:3-8 in the entirety, noting the significant points of Jesus’ words.

◽️One MUST be born again in order to see the kingdom of God.

◽️One must be born of the Spirit.  (Flesh “begets” (reproduces) flesh.   Spirit “begets” spirit.)

◽️What the Spirit does is, by in large, beyond explanation, although “movement” of Spirit activity (like the wind) is generally noticeable.

Read 1 Peter 1:22-23

◽️Purifying the soul happens by obeying truth.  A purified soul is a soul (mind will and emotions) that has been set  apart to be used by the Spirit of God for His purposes (The Greek word used is #53 in the Strong’s concordance and means to sanctify,  to make clean)

◽️Being “born again” comes by receiving the incorruptible Word of God

Read  Romans 10:17 and verses 9-10

◽️Faith for experiencing the new birth comes by hearing the Word 

◽️Faith comes by believing in your heart that Jesus died and rose from the dead for you personally and expressing that truth verbally

Read Mark 4:1-20

◽️The soil referred to in this parable is an individual’s heart

◽️The seed is the Word 

Growing up into fulness of the Christ-nature is God’s goal and desire for all.

◽️This is the assignment of the born again believer – Work it out.  Phil 2:12-13.  Fruit in our lives and in others will be produced(John 15)

Read and then note what is stated in these verses:

◽️Romans 8:29

◽️1 Corinthians 13:11

◽️Ephesians 3:14-19b*, 20

◽️Ephesians 4:12-15

◽️Galatians 4:19

◽️Hebrews 2:10

◽️1 John 2:6

(Remember: primarily the scriptures were written for and to believers.)

Consider the following passages regarding the war between the two natures:

Read James 4:1-7

◽️your desires war in your members (ascendancy of Self, or rule of the old nature)

◽️your desires prompt asking God for things that please your own self life

◽️the self life tries to be a friend with the world – to get approval and affirmation  in the sphere of the world and not  from God and His the kingdom 

◽️only in humbling ones self before God, and often in front of others, will we  receive grace (empowerment to change, grow, go through)

Read Romans 8:5-16 (Specifically v.5-12)

◽️Motivation toward things that gratify the old nature produces death

◽️Motivation toward things of Spirit produces peace and life

◽️The “old nature” is and enemy of God – it can’t even obey God, therefore it cannot please God (no matter how “good” or noble it acts)

◽️v.12 we are not in debt to the flesh nature (the old nature)

Read Galatians 5:16-25

◽️Walk in Spirit – How? By a conscious choice, by faith.

◽️The war rages because there  are two completely opposite natures within us.

◽️How to know what is from the old nature and what is from the new? Measure by v. 19 -22

◽️Crucify flesh as often as needed – We have been crucified     (Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:11 and we “die daily” 1 Corinthians 15:31).

◽️The old nature cannot be healed

◽️The old nature cannot be transformed

◽️The old nature cannot be reformed

◽️The old nature cannot be restored

The old nature was crucified (positionally) with Christ.  This death must be walked out daily.  We  are empowered to walk in newness of life, if we will.

The body of sin is tied to the new man – Romans 7:24 – who will rescue me from this body of death.   This passage Paul is referring to the practice of tying a dead man to another.  The Romans had a hideous form of punishment – binding a corpse of amurder victim to the back of the murderer. 

The big question?  Who will rescue me from this body of death?   It has already been done. Christ has forgiven and freed us from eternal condemnation -Romans 8:1.

Our part is to believe and we are set free from the body of death; the rule of the old nature.  We can live out and grow in the Christ-Nature.

Gay Bissell,

July 2018

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