There are so many voices screaming “unfair, unfair!” It seems unrest is everywhere. The path of peace and truth appears long forgotten. Everyone does what seems right in their own eyes without even taking a quick glance at the Words of Life.

BUT DO YOU HEAR the voice of the Lord crying out “unfair” in the market place? NO, other voices yes, but not His. His “cry” is  still a gentle call to all “Come to Me, find rest for your soul.”

And in silence, He moves forward with His plan, through the work of His Spirit empowering the prayers and tears of His people. Be confident. God always WINS and He has set His face like a flint. “He does not cry out, His voice is not heard. He will not be discouraged or fail until true justice is established in all the earth.” Isaiah 42:3-4

We have been given keys to the Kingdom.

I invite you to come study God’s Word in Isaiah 42 with us this Sunday. Service begins at 10:00.

New Beginnings Int’l     540 Industrial Dr. Richland, Ms.

Or you can join us on Facebook Live.






In the USA heart disease is the #1 health issue. Americans need healthy hearts. Blockages need to be opened. Proper blood flow and proper oxygen levels are needed.

Please remember that things which occur in the natural realm very often show us or teach us spiritual truth and about spiritual conditions.

Among Christians there are many heart conditions that are preventing full joy, blessings and functioning from manifesting. Believers may often engage in religious activity and go to many meetings and conferences that inspire and stimulate, yet do not experience lasting change because personal harmful habits are not addressed. Heart issues can go unknown, unmasked, for many years.

I believe that many of God’s people, sincere believers, are not heart healthy. I have dedicated my Christian life to God’s call to be whole and to help others be whole. For over 30 years I have been used with a multitude of individuals to diagnose, and provide solutions to heart/life issues to all who were willing to follow the prescriptions consistently.

As I have been seeking the Lord in prayer about 2018, I have sensed that He wants me to once again offer to teach on Toxic Emotions, Life-Change, and Heart Health.

So, I am asking if anyone would be interested in making a commitment (to yourself) to learn how to overcome the toxic emotions that continually repeat and are blocking and defeating you in daily life.

This course, HEART ISSUES, is to meet on the last Saturday of each month in 2018 from 10:00 – 12:00.

IF you are seriously interested and willing to apply the principles taught, you can email me at I will get the needed information to you.



In the KJV and NKJV translations of Hebrews11:1 the verse is written “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for….”

The word substance can be very easily misunderstood and misapplied. When you look in a Webster’s dictionary you see they list the various meanings of any word from the most commonly used to lesser used meanings.  So when we look in the dictionary for the definition of the word substance we see that the first and most common usage of the word is “material of certain kind”.

If we stop with that definition we imagine that faith is actually an invisible material of some kind. We can become frustrated and doubtful because we can’t understand an invisible material.

I do not believe this is the correct definition of the word substance in this particular scripture.I have come to understand that the word substance means: confidence, assurance, based on truth (fact) that is solid, firm, unchanging and not of human imagination. (See Strong’s Greek Concordance # 5287 )

In the natural realm we develop confidence (or trust) in a person over time when they demonstrate that they do what they say – they keep their word.

Basically it is the same with having faith in God. First we must “hear” something that He is saying. We must encounter His Word. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10:17. And then we either act upon the word and see that it is in fact true, or we do not act and remain in our unbelief.

Incidentally, we never know when someone will actually “hear” what God is speaking even though He is speaking truth continually. God is continually speaking through the scriptures. He is speaking through messengers. He is speaking through creation (Romans 1:20). He is speaking by His Spirit.

The woman with the issue of blood had tried all manner of approaches to become well, but had become worse. When she “heard” that Jesus was healing ALL who came to Him (v. 27) she was willing to do whatever was necessary to get to Him. (Remember she was an outcast, forbidden to be around others, but she wanted to be complete whole so she pushed passed all the barriers.)

She was confident that touching Jesus would make her whole. That is what faith really is. It is confidence that what we have heard, He will do.

We can make up all kinds of imaginations about life, our future etc. There truly is a power in the realm of our imagination, but that does not necessarily translate over to real, substantial confidence in God. It may actually just be confidence in ourself, or in someone else. This kind of faith does NOT please God and it will bring great disappointment to us in the next life.

True faith in God is not complicated either. We do not have to jump through hoops or add anything to our faith. Jesus said for us to become like a little child.

In the early years of life, a child just believes what they are told by the parent. (Of course if the parent is very inconsistent in what is said and done, the child will become very insecure and unstable.) But, God does not operate that way. He is not “wishy washy”. And He cannot lie. In fact it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrew 6:18)

Of course, when He speaks a specific direction or instruction to us, or instructions from His Word that specifically tell us what to do (like forgiving, and praising, and giving, and fleeing temptation etc.) then we MUST ACT accordingly. But even in the compliance to His instruction we must do so only by relying upon His grace and power within us.

Please, examine how you live your life of faith. Are you adding things to your walk that you think will enhance, improve or make you more effective? Determine to let go go all effort and simply believe.

Study the following verses and let the Holy Spirit speak clearly to you regarding effort.

John 6:63
John 15:5
Philippians 3:3
Galatians 3:3
Jeremiah 17:5

So, in conclusion, when the disciples requested Jesus to “increase our faith”, they were asking Him do what only they could do. They, and we, must place ALL our confidence in the One who keeps His Word, keeps His promises, and cannot lie.


Listen. Follow.

It is vital that every soldier receive ALL communications from the commanding officer(s).  These come down from the highest ranks.  It is vital that soldiers understand what is expected and that they are motivated, disciplined and empowered to follow direct orders and also to be aware of the indirect ones, too.

The same is true in the army of the Lord.  As good soldiers (2 Tim 2:4) we must not ignore the direct and indirect communications that come down from above.  It is important to recognize that there are a variety of communication methods, and be alert to them.

1. First and foremost, I believe God speaks to us through His goodness.

2. He speaks much to us through creation and also through the examples of natural things (i.e. farming, fishing, building etc.)

3. He speaks volumes through His Word. So much in fact we will never exhaust all the instructions, revelations, and insights that are contained in the scriptures.  It vital though that we continue to expose ourself to the entire counsel of God so we can “test” everything else against the standard of the Word.

Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice.  My sheep follow (obey) My voice. They know My voice.”

4. We also receive communication through dreams, visions, revelations, and the “still small voice”.

We should never ignore any communication we receive.  We must not “blow It off” as being nice to have heard from God.  We should always take heed, pray over and even further press in to seek out what is being said to us. Take communication from God seriously.

Remember, the bible clearly tells us that a matter is established out the mouth of two or three witnesses.  (See these references.  Genesis 41:32; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1.)  It is very advisable to wait for confirmations, in most matters. It makes life much more safe.

Personally, I believe it is a huge mistake to run to others to get a matter confirmed.  I do believe it is fine to get counsel, but not to run to those who will just be a rubber stamp to what you want to hear.  Again take heed, be careful to what you listen to.

Arise. Be Ready. Engage.

These are exciting times. A time of SUDDENLYS. A time when God shows up and shows out – making Himself known in the affairs of men. He is responding to the effective prayers of HUMBLED people.

End Times? Sure. Much closer than we have ever been before!

On October 23, 2016 and October 24th I had two different dreams that communicated the same message. Especially that He, our Lord, is right at the door. He is KNOCKING. I literally heard the KNOCKING. First of all He wants to come in and sit down at OUR TABLE and share a meal, having intimate fellowship with US (Rev.3:20) He wants to tell us His plans and to reveal His heart for us, for our family, our neighbors and our world.

“Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.” Matt. 24:33

He wants us to join our lives and prayers with the prayers that have gone before us in years past, as well as the prayers that are ascending now.

He is looking for those who will stand in the gap to love, to speak truth, to even WAR in the spirit realm in order that TRUE FREEDOM can come to as many who will receive.

I know from those two dreams that we must be alert, watchful, ready and available for any assignment He gives us…be it prayer or labor in the fields of harvest. (Obedience to our assignment brings reward. Eternal reward).

DO NOT BE PASSIVE. Be alert to the nuances (even slight movements) of the Spirit. DO NOT COMPARE YOUR ROLE OR ASSIGNMENT to another. This will bring sure discouragement or pride, which brings sure defeat! BE YOU!

Sit. Listen. Move when He says move. Find your “unit”. Your team, your tribe. Your family. Fit. Function. No more church as usual. Be ready and be JOYFUL!

Gay Bissell




When I was growing up, attending a small full gospel church, one of my favorite songs was “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus”.

This morning I keep hearing the first verse in my heart and head.  Here it is:

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross; lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory his army shall he lead, till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

See, in that verse there is truth that we  must continue to embrace every day… and it shows us our responsibility to do several things:

We are here to RAISE up His royal banner which I believe includes:

His Name, His Cross, His Love, His Grace.   We must not be ashamed of the gospel or His NAME – the Name of JESUS.  We must not bow to those “authorities” that say we cannot speak His name or His truth.  It is up to us.  This is our ASSIGNMENT everyday.

We must stop fighting in the flesh, we must war on our knees, and     with our praise, and with our witness of LOVE.  “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life…” John 15:13

We must be faithful witnesses and not fear the face of men.

Our mindset MUST shift from defeat to VICTORY.  From victory unto victory. He always leads us in triumph.

When we fight on behalf of truth we must remember that TRUTH is a person.  He came to lay His life down for all.  He doesn’t desire that any, I mean anyone, should perish…..especially those who are most deceived.

We must be light and be different in our responses to all the deception and difficulties.  Light  overtakes darkness.  Remember that religious darkness is just as bad, perhaps even worse, than any other kind of darkness.   The letter of the law KILLS.

ARE we really soldiers of the cross?  Are we willing to lay our life down for others who are yet enemies of truth?  Isn’t that what He did for us?

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6-8







Are you or is someone you know under a curse?

Do bad things keep happening to you?

Are you repeating the same destructive habits or patterns over and over?

Did these patterns exist in the lives of other family members?

You may be a really good Christian and yet thinking that you are under a curse.  Many people do think that.

Many Christians, as well as unbelievers, seem to really think that the devil has more power to harm, than God has to free and heal.

Many people seem to think that they are stuck and doomed to live with the generational curses.

Others spend countless hours reading and studying and searching for the hidden root of the curse, to no avail.  (Jesus said, You search here and there but won’t come to me in faith John 5:40.  You want to be “ok” because of your works, or your “goodness”,  or with your efforts to fix things.)

Freedom will never come this way.

But, I have a some good news to share.  And if you are open to it, it will change your life.

First of all let me say that YES there are “curses” that are passed down from generation to generation.  Let’s read Exodus 20:5.   “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.”

That is real, but now that only stays activated when we refuse to make a quality decision to change the way we think, in other words, refuse to repent for not believing God’s Word of FREEDOM and VICTORY from our past and present circumstances.

When we believe circumstances and the “devil-lies” more than truth, then we have no confidence to believe God (I John 3:21 If our heart does not condemn us we have confidence before God.) When we are believing lies,  our heart is automatically condemning us, though it may be at an unconscious level.

Let me lay a foundation here.

  1. Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one, and He DID IT.  The works of the evil one HAVE BEEN TOTALLY DESTROYED (1 John 3:8).  The only power the devil has to enforce the “curse”, the family patterns, is the power we give to him by believing the lies instead of believing the Word of God.  [It is critical that we CHANGE OUR MIND about what we believe.]

2.   Believing TRUTH is the only thing that sets us free (John 8:32).   Therefore it stands to reason that we should make it a top priority to know THE TRUTH about every issue of life.

I remember when I first started walking with the Lord.  My life had been a huge mess. I had major emotional issues.  But, I also believed God’s Word contained the answers I needed.  I didn’t have a promise book, didn’t even know about promise books, but I had a bible concordance.  So I got a notebook and made a list of the different emotional problems I had and then took the concordance and began to search out what God said.  Fear and panic were particular issues of mine.  I had never heard of panic attacks back in 1980, but I surely had them.  Here is the truth though – the word of God brought total freedom and healing to me…to my emotions and my body.

There are many verses on fear.  I wrote them down and I carried one or two with me because I wanted to live in peace.  Over time, the light of the scriptures drove out the darkness of fear and the panic attacks stopped. I was no longer under the “curse” of fear.  Studying about fear didn’t bring freedom!  Taking  truth into my thinking, my heart and my practice, brought freedom.

3.   See, the devil is a liar and the father of lies, all he has is lies.  As long  as we continue to live in agreement with what he whispers, the longer we stay under the  “curse.”

4.   Jesus took away the devil’s power to control us and keep us in bondage.  Jesus actually became the curse in order to dismantle it so that the blessings can flow into our life  (Galatians 3:13-14). Jesus hung on a tree when He was crucified.  Verse 13 says that everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed.  Jesus went through this so that the blessings of Abraham could come to us, too.  Believe me Abraham was highly blessed.

Let me show you some more powerful truth:

In Jeremiah 17:5-8  we are shown some very critical information about curses and blessings.

Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord. 6 For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, And shall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited. 7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. 8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.”

When anyone puts their trust in themselves or in another human being they automatically come under a curse. Plain and simple.  You don’t have to believe me, but your life will prove it to be true.

Jesus said in John 3:17 that he didn’t come to condemn the world (or curse the world) but to bring salvation, which equals freedom, health, victory, peace, prosperity etc.

In verse 18 Jesus clearly says that those who do not believe are already condemned, or cursed.

When anyone of us trust in our own goodness, or our ability, or intelligence or whatever, and do not acknowledge God or learn His ways they fall “under condemnation or the curse”.

We have to move beyond our “victim mentality”.  WE can change the course of our life and find lasting freedom from all manner of “curses” provided we are willing to make the quality choice and commit to walk it out day by day.

If we make a mis-step, be quick to take responsibility before God, be cleansed by His blood (1 John 1:9) and get back on track.

These curses and patterns do not have to have dominion over you. You have dominion over them.

We have an incredible power within us to choose. Deuteronomy 30:19 says God has set before us life and death and we should choose life that we can live!

Be Free.  Then help others make the right choice.


A Caleb Spirit

There were  g i a n t s  in the land.  Out of millions of people, only TWO  believed God was bigger and more powerful than the giants.  Everyone cried and complained….”if only….” [Numbers 14:1-2]  But Caleb had a different spirit. He followed God FULLY and was assured that he would enter the promised land and his descendants would inherit it [v.24]

Those who cried and complained were not allowed to enter.  And God was not at all pleased with them….you can find God’s account in 1 Corinthians 10.  In  v.5  it is recorded that with MOST of them God was not well pleased…and v. 6 tells us that these  things became EXAMPLES (warnings even) to us….

Read the whole chapter….

Stop fellowshipping with demons v. 20.  Stop playing with the demonic.  Give up fear and fascination with all that, and serve God FULLY.  Know Him.  That is the only place of PROMISE, PROTECTION, and PROVISION of supernatural grace and peace.

There is still time to develop a CALEB spirit.  Lay aside that which is distracting and disturbing you.  Walk as an overcomer, a conqueror, a grace empowered CHAMPION.


The Battle

> Who or what is LORD of your life?
> Who or what has PREEMINENCE in your thoughts and plans?
……spouse, jobs, children, problems, bills, politics, church, wants, entertainment etc.?
Jesus not only wants to be first, but in reality HE is first, it is just not widely acknowledged. Jesus is The Lord of all, and ruler of all nations!
There is an ongoing and intensifying battle right now. Satan still thinks he can prevent the ascendancy of Jesus to His rightful place.
Although we may know that ultimately Jesus will take His rightful place, the war  rages on. It is imperative that we not be passive, with a que sera, sera mentality.
The battle has to be first fought and won within our own heart and soul. And that is what bootcamp is all about, to provide assistance in winning your personal internal battles and inspiring and equipping you to arise as the warrior – the change agent – that you are meant to be.
Join us at bootcamp for re-focusing and realignment of heart and prayer priorities.
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